Wednesday, February 21, 2007

No feminism, no gender bashing. Just simple EQUALITY for ALL.

Been so long since I bothered to write. Apologies. So here, I bear unsavoury news but I believe it is important that we know.

A female social welfare minister in the Punjab provincial cabinet has been shot dead on Feb 20th 2007. One source said the guy shot her cos she wasn't dressed in proper muslim clothing. Another said he didn't like her gender. He doesn't even know her personally. What is going on?

I have nothing against the male species, but why do we so often read about men pulling such stupid evil (ok sorry, I shouldn't judge) stunts? Yes I have read about women killing their husbands and children and I don't think that's right. But why would anyone kill someone cos of their dressing or gender itself? Can you imagine a woman murdering a man she doesn't even know just because he was wearing mis-matched shoes or a T-shirt that says "I rule!", and she testifies "his fashion sense was offensive to my beliefs and his language on his top makes women all around the world feel threatened. We must stop men like him."

Ridiculous? Well, I think this is too.

You can read more about it here:

Mr. Sarwar shot her in the head in front of dozens of party activists. "I will kill all those women who do not follow the right path, if I am freed again," he said. FREED AGAIN? I notice from reports that this twisted *** was released after murdering 12 women previously. Ok, if we want true justice and equality among both men and women, then let's search for a situation where a woman is released after killing 12 men. I doubt that will ever happen. I searched for it online. I couldn't find much about female murderers in Pakistan or India. Perhaps i'm not as proficient there. All I found was this:

Ms Zilla (or Zill-e) Huma Usman isn't the only women's rights activist who's fallen victim to such evil and injustice. Afghan minister for women Safia Ama Jan was assassinated September 25th 2006. I remember getting really riled up years back watching a documentary about honour killings. I also think the witchcraft trials went too far. Honestly there's just too many to mention.

I think equality is a concept we all understand to be good and right. We wish for but have yet to fully realise it because of double standards everywhere. I do agree to a degree that there is too much emphasis on women's rights and not enough on men's, who are also emotional human beings. I notice this disparity growing up at home. My dad was the sweetest and my mom, with her ever-flaring temper, put him down quite a lot. So I always thought guys were nicer than girls. My mom told me a little later in life that in any relationship, one party is going to be more domineering. So a woman has to assert her rights and control the man early on in the relationship before he does. Ok, I agree with asserting her rights but not with the controlling. In some parts of the world, men suffering under women is not that uncommon nowadays. What happened to good old fashioned true love and support? I've seen men abused, even physically, by the women they love. Feminism can be, and has been, a little too extreme. The concept of equality is again marred.

I think it all comes down to respect. I suppose people have to respect each other and not because of gender, income, beliefs, religion, and other lines of division. Why can't one respect people just because he or she treasures and respects life itself. If one has indeed been wronged, won't forgiveness and mercy take us all further? Each person you see, male or female, including an enemy, is a reflection of you. We think all ants look alike. They probably think we all do too.


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