Saturday, September 17, 2005

New Energy

I have new energy although I am beat. I have just started another project, but this time as a production manager. Big call for a mere actor. But I've always watched, asked, learned. So I managed to deal with it all so far. I always wanted to do this. Now I know.

Acting is still my truest, most honest work, a career I've built up over the last half decade. Though it really doesn't get anywhere here in this country. From this harrowing experience as a production manager, I think I'll finally get my guts up, and get off my butt, and produce something of my own, like a feature, in the near future.

Anyhow, the last two weeks of preproduction was tedious, uncertain and scary. It was like walking on a thread while waiting for a tight rope. I wasn't sure if I was gonna get everything, or anything, right. But I knew I'd do my utmost. So today we began. First day of shoot went well. I'm awfully grateful for my assistants, official and unofficial, who were real kind souls. I thank God and all the lucky stars God made for me.

Second and thrid day will be a lot more complicated so I hope it turns out good too. More locations, props, wardrobe, talents, budget. Oh dear. I'm nervous all over again. K, I ought to sleep. I must wake in six hours. I must get some sort of breakfast for the crew, cast and extras. It's gonna be another long day.


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