Friday, July 22, 2005

Technical Misfortune

I'm having a slight technical problem, at home and at the print shop. A little spate of bad luck with my work. Can't get the pictures I need and can't get the reel to work. I wonder why. I don't like it. I promised myself I'd send it all out by today, Friday, and all my material is still sitting like a lazy slug in my computer, weighing down my mind.

I know complaining won't change a thing but it'll help me forget how long it's taking me. I'm becoming delusional again. I have to leave in half an hour and I haven't had a shower yet. I'll have to bring my old reel then.

I've decided long ago that I will leave this person, who I know now would never give me a ring, even a phonecall ring, no matter how much promise there ever was. I think it's been thought through very logically and objectively, along with the support of everyone who loves me. But there's been another new factor that's come into play, which I must not consider. I must do what I should, what's right. Like a friend said, do it for myself, not for anyone else.

Also, I hate to see a grown man cry. I don't want to see any of that this year. Not even my dad, though he has every reason to. Perhaps especially my sweet old dad.

(Why do I never seem to be positive on this blog?)

I'm still glad I have my legs, arms, and my basic senses. My guardian angel's taking care of me too. I'm feeling quite alright now. Just sleepy.


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