Sunday, July 03, 2005

Hot Jupiters

How compelling is this? 51 Pegasi b is a large planet 1.2 times the size of Jupiter. And it orbits the star (or its sun) called 51 Pagasi, which is a yellow-orange main sequence dwarf star of spectral and luminosity type G4-5 Va. The star is estimated to be about 7.5 to 8.5 billion years old. 51 Pegasi, the star, is in the constellation of Pegasus at a distance of about 48 light years from our sun. Here's an excerpt about its orbiting planet, 51 Pagesi b. Wonder if there's a planet a.

"51 Pegasi b has the distinction of being the first planet to be discovered orbiting another sun-like star. The discovery sent shock waves through the astronomical community, not only for the fact that it was one of the first known exoplanets, but because of its totally unexpected nature. 51 Pegasi b is a massive Jupiter-like planet orbiting at only 0.05 Aus from its sun, far closer than Mercury. At the time, theories of planet evolution allowed giant planets to form only at distances greater than several AU, at about the distance of Jupiter from the sun. The discovery of 51 Pegasi b forced astronomers to re-examine their theories.

It wouldn't be so bad if 51 Pegasi b was a lone freak case. But, the discovery of planets orbiting 55 Cancri, tau Bootes, and other sun-like stars have shown that such "Hot Jupiters" are relatively common. And, attempts to attribute the detections to photospheric anomalies in their host stars rather than actual planets proved untenable. Hot Jupiters were here to stay."


This Jupiter sized planet was found by Didier Queloz in 1995. It orbits really close to its sun in only 4.2 days, at a distance of 4,700,000 miles. This was independently confirmed by the planet finding team of Jeff Marcy and Paul Butler. From my understanding this planet was the first extra-solar planet to be discovered. Extra-solar means outside our solar system. It is also assumed at this point Pegasi 51 b is gravity locked, resulting in one side of the planet measuring over 1000 degrees celsius in temperature, while the other side would be frozen.

One more reason to appreciate planet Earth.

If I got anything wrong, please let me know. I haven't looked up the other planets yet. I gotta have lunch now.


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