Friday, June 17, 2005

My first entry!

Hi, I nearly titled this my virgin entry but that sounded wrong.

I'm tired and should be asleep especially since it's 3am but I guess I'm full of worry so am not able to fall asleep just yet.

I'll keep this short anyway.

Now why am I on this blog? I'm not sure. Why do people keep blogs? I can easily email my friends and personalise each mail too. I'd like to keep a virtual and private diary which I will never lose but I've always been too lazy to begin. Emailing myself and saving text files is the best I've accomplished ever. And I would hate for anyone to even know about it. Damn, and I just typed it. I promised myself, unless for some serious circumstance, not to edit myself as much as possible on this blog, so it stays. Now you know.

An online diary, to me, seems so unnecessary and a rude broadcast of your personal life when probably no one's interested at all. There are so many bigger issues in this world than say, my car breaking down or my wallet being stolen. Would I wanna bother telling total strangers that? Wouldn't that be irresponsible of me to distract people from real issues? Like world hunger and corruption, which are often related in a vicious cycle. How will these problems ever get solved if we arrogant humans only look inward at our selfish needs?

Well, maybe bloggers like sharing a part of themselves with the world, to be sure to leave something behind. To maybe even affect someone else's life in some little way. It helps with the idea of being alone when you're typing and you know someone, perhaps just yourself, will be reading and relating to your experiences. Maybe that's what I'd like to find out with this blog, if this is how it feels or if this is what people are on blogs for. It's a personal experiment at this point. Who knows, it might actually help alleviate memory-loss related conditions like Alzheimer's or Amnesia in future. I believe there's good in everything and a reason for everything.

Ok, bye. Let's see if I bother typing again. :-)


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