Thursday, April 02, 2009


I've been thinking about how I believe in balance. And how it may not always work for everyone. I would like to think everyone finds resolution and solace in the end. But where is the end? Why should there be an end? Why not, instead, embark on a more exciting future, a more fulfilling experience based on what you've gone through, good or bad, and what you've learnt?

Little things I've learnt along the way (or I think I have). Well, I'm always learning.

* To be brave, one has to first be afraid.

* The younger one is, the longer it takes for him or her to calm down.

* As long as you're alive, you can fix it.

* If it's halved when shared, it's not worth fussing over (like money, goods, food, problems). If it retains or doubles when shared, it's a blessing (such as jokes, ideas, music, love). I'll write another looong one about this. Haha!

* Everyone just wants to be happy.

* To make someone happy, let this someone know he or she is loved.

I have chanced upon a lot of cynical talk around me of late. I do not think it good or bad. Just that it's there. With what I think here, I hope I am not simplifying life or people too much, which may in turn, insult life, people and what they've gone through.

Times are hard. That's for sure, everywhere you look. But like Einstein said, it's all relative. I'm going to always count the wonderful things I'm grateful for. I'm still alive and have love around me, and love to share.

On the day my dad was leaving us, he watched a report on the news about a man who killed himself. My mom told us that it made him very sad, and he said something to the effect of, "Whatever problems you have in life, you can always solve it. No need to kill yourself. So many people want to live but cannot or don't have enough time. What a pity. What a pity."

I'm so happy he's my dad. He passed away that same night. What a pity.


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