Monday, December 02, 2013

What Is Food To You?

Today, someone I know didn't finish their fish soup at dinner... so they threw it away. When I was right there and would have gladly finished it for them. They were familiar with this habit of mine.

Later that night, a very delicious bowl of mee sua soup was sitting in the kitchen, leftover from a previous meal, from another day. I thought someone was going to eat it so I didn't ask. They, on the other hand, thought no one wanted it and didn't even ask me, so yes, they threw it out. I was appalled when I found out that a bowl fit for a decent meal, or one to give a homeless man strength, was just discarded like that. When I told them I was heartbroken by the unnecessary food wastage, they just laughed.

I was sad, am sad, over such indifference to food. They say grace and thank God for the food they have but will throw it out just as easily. They are also fussy eaters. What is eaten for lunch will not be seen again for dinner. It can, however, be kept for the next lunch. Especially if it tastes better the next day as tomatoes and vinegar tend to.

That brings to mind another issue. Taste. Is that all that matters? I guess some live to eat while some eat to live. I belong to the latter category. Nothing wrong with the former unless they constantly disregard the usefulness of food flippantly.

It is not my place at all to judge but this is how I feel. I am so pissed off, actually. How come there are people out there who don't appreciate food? Must they become poor or starve in order to start appreciating food? I have starved and I know what that hunger can do, how it feels and how hopeless you can feel. Yet you survive with a little water from a tap, a little leftover from a stranger's plate, a nibble from a cheap biscuit you could barely afford and had spent 40 minutes trying to decide if it were worth your last hard-earned dollar. When you're down to that kind of poverty, you cannot afford to spend money on anything else except what keeps you alive. Food.

I can see that bowl of that mee sua soup now. Sitting in the corner of a kitchen that isn't mine. It meant nothing to them. It was old and unwanted they thought. Well, to me it was fuel for another day to stay alive. For a homeless starving person, that would have been a much needed heaven.

I can keep going but I can't without feeling this restlessness within. As punishment to myself for not rescuing the mee sua soup & fish soup, I will eat only leftovers the next 2 days. Hell, make it 3 days.

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