Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Present Moment

The days keep longing. Longing for a time from before. As of now, no one can time travel. Unless it's forward, and at a speed determined by the laws of time. Who made these laws anyway?

My life, your life, life. Just as it is. Not as it can be, or was. The present moment can be magical and horrendous all at once. Sometimes it's too much to handle at the time and on your own, even if you are with a million people. An experience is always personal and unique from your perspective and only yours. You may shy away from the intense emotions and sensations that overwhelm you that very second. That's when you almost forget yourself or the entire scene.

Although somehow, it haunts you later, like a faded movie shot out of focus or with too many cutaways. But you can never return to that present moment. So perhaps it is best to simply savour the present because we now know, from enough regrets and lessons, how time surreptitiously trickles by and how mercilessly impatient it can be.

So whether or not the world does change at the end of the year, I will soak in every moment till then. Or at least try to.